Personal Development

Personal Development

How many times do we feel that what we are at the present moment…is quite far away from our potential…and that we would like to live more aware of the repercussions of our story, of our limits and of our abilities?

Learning to synchronise with our emotions, to recognise and fulfil our needs, are some of the preambles of this adventure...

Understanding that some part of my life depends on me, and acting accordingly to my values and goals.

Learning how to deal with the uncertainty inherent to some situations and to life in general.

Accepting change as something that potentially can build us.

Developing a personal narrative about our story and its’ particularities.

Improving our empathy ability, concerning the feelings of other people and perceive a situation from the different points of view evolved.

Resolve unfinished businesses that have remained inside of us…like losses or separations…that prevent us from proceed with our lives.

This therapeutic goal relates to the desire of knowing ourselves better, of understanding our motivations and aspirations, of improving the way we relate to others and the world…of becoming more the person we have always wished to be...